Pamela Aloia

Pamela Aloia


Pam Aloia is a certified End of Life/Bereavement Coach, ACC, offering “Good Grief” coaching sessions for those experiencing loss in their lives. Children moving out of the home, relationship changes, and the loss of a job, pet, or loved one can raise significant emotions to the surface. “Good Grief” coaching sessions support individuals as they explore their feelings and find purpose and peace within. Sometimes labeled negative emotions such as anger, sadness, and grief can be productive and useful.

As a Reiki Master/Teacher and Energy Emissary Pam can include energetic healing or relay messages from loved ones during sessions, if desired. Pam conducts workshops on managing loss, connecting with passed loved ones, Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, and Aikido.



Past Shows:

Last Night

Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine
In the first half, Veterinarian Dr. Marty Goldstein discussed holistic approaches to pet health and well-being. Next, Coast listener John Potter talks about navigating life's challenges after losing his eyesight, followed by Open Lines.


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