Working with Positive Energy

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Working with Positive Energy


  • Understanding Energy Vampires
  • Creating a Protective Shield
  • About the show

    Medical intuitive Dr. Judith Orloff discussed her practice of positive energy therapy and also addressed the issue of dealing with "energy vampires." An empath from an early age, Orloff said she had to learn shielding techniques to protect herself from negative energies that emanate from people, and can coalesce into larger fields at places like shopping malls.

    Orloff said she had categorized nine different types of energy vampires, who may or may not be aware that they are draining energy from other people. She theorized that their condition was caused by a childhood wound to their "subtle energy," which in essence is like a leak that requires them to suck energy from other people to feel whole. Among the types she named were the non-stop talker, the malicious "go for the jugular type," and the drama queen who draws people in to their never ending series of crises.

    One can escape the energy drain of these vampires by moving out of their field, usually about 20 ft. away, said Orloff. She also recommended putting up a "protection shield," an encircling light created through visualization techniques that can act as a buffer from negative energies. She also described a three-minute meditation for healing and other purposes, that focuses on the heart chakra where positive energy can can well up like a "great sun" in your body.

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