Control of Humanity

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Control of Humanity

About the show

Alternative historian Michael Tsarion discussed humankind's future and the "ancient alien agenda," as carried out by unseen elite or controllers. Aliens or 'Nephilim' were scientists who lost their technology during a great war 13,000 years ago, but it is now being restored, he claimed. This new wave of technology, will follow in the footsteps of Silicon Valley and the computer revolution, yet be presented as a spiritual step forward to the masses, he cautioned.

Mankind has been traumatized at various stages, and human consciousness was damaged, such as when the Nephilim tinkered with human genetics, Tsarion explained. This damage makes people more susceptible to being controlled, he noted. The elite plan to further "dumb down" humanity to the level of machines, so that their thinking is mechanical-- this creates the perfect slave, he continued.

Tsarion also touched on his work with astro-theology, and astrological significances. We are seeing the down side of the Age of Aquarius or awakening, with Uranian energy emerging that upsets current structures, and causes people to feel insecure or uncertain as old paradigms pass away, he commented.

Investigating Fort Wayne

Last hour guests, Chris Forsythe and Wayne Miracle of Metro Paranormal Investigations talked about anomalous activity at Historic Fort Wayne, a military facility in Michigan that dates back to the 19th century. Many reports of ghostly or unexplained occurrences at this location have come down over the years, and unusual apparition-like photos have been taken there, they said. Several EVPs they recorded at the site were played, including one in which an eerie whispering voice says what sounds like "leave me alone!"

Bumper Music

Last Night

Gemstone Wisdom / Paranormal Perspectives
Gemstone Wisdom / Paranormal Perspectives
Gemisphere founder Michael Katz discussed the healing power of gemstones and wisdom from gemstone guardians. Followed by retired psychotherapist Chuck Hall who shared his perspective for evaluating evidence of the paranormal.


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