Tony Fels

Tony Fels


Tony Fels is an associate professor of history at the University of San Francisco. He knows the Salem witchcraft trials more deeply and expansively than almost anyone. With vivacious prose, palpable passion, and powerful reasoning, he has delivered a rare work of critical historiography that could actually matter.



Past Shows:

  • Salem Witch Hunt

    Tony Fels discussed the Salem witch hunt, and how historians now sympathize with the perpetrators instead of the victims.More »

Last Night

Sci-Fi and AI / Women Crime Bosses
Sci-Fi and AI / Women Crime Bosses
Bestselling author Ernest Cline joined George Knapp to discuss UFOs and AI, as well as his digital gaming platform Readyverse. Followed by journalist Lissa Townsend Rodgers who spoke about women crime bosses.


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