Robert Pendergraft

Robert Pendergraft


Robert Pendergraft is one of the most respected creature effects artists in the business, and has worked on many horror movies, including Adam Green's Hatchet 2. Robert is the owner of the well known special effects shop, Aunt Dolly's Garage.

Past Shows:

  • Hollywood Ghosthunters/ Mysterious Space Signals

    In the first half, members of the Hollywood Ghost Hunters, Rick McCallum, Louis Horowitz, and Robert Pendergraft discussed the many haunted locations they've investigated and described details of their ghost adventures in places such as the Queen Mary, and the Whaley House. ...More »
  • Ghost to Ghost 2011

    George Noory hosted the annual Ghost-to-Ghost AM program, in which he opened the phone lines for listeners to share their tales of ghostly encounters. In the first hour, stuntman Rick McCallum and creature effects artist Robert Pendergraft talked about the Hollywood Ghost...More »

Last Night

Gemstone Wisdom / Paranormal Perspectives
Gemstone Wisdom / Paranormal Perspectives
Gemisphere founder Michael Katz discussed the healing power of gemstones and wisdom from gemstone guardians. Followed by retired psychotherapist Chuck Hall who shared his perspective for evaluating evidence of the paranormal.


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