Cygnus, Cosmic Rays & Evolution

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Cygnus, Cosmic Rays & Evolution


  • Anderson & Mathews: PETA
  • Cygnus, Cosmic Rays & Evolution
  • Oscar: New Possession
  • About the show

    Appearing during the middle two hours, author Andrew Collins discussed the significance of the Cygnus constellation. The constellation was important to the ancient mindset, and was represented as a bird on a pole 17,000 years ago in a cave painting, he said. Cygnus was thought of as a winged creature that transported the soul to heaven after death, he added.

    In the 1980s, it was discovered that the Earth was being bombarded by cosmic rays coming in at regular intervals-- the source was later revealed to be a binary star or black hole known as Cygnus X-3. One of this distant object's jets is pointing directly at the Earth, Collins noted, and he believes that these cosmic rays likely affected humankind's evolution. The altering of human DNA could have fostered the transition from hunter/gatherer to Neolithic farmer, he stated.

    The last hour featured Open Lines. The notorious caller "Oscar" resurfaced, claiming that he is currently possessing a psychiatrist.

    Pamela Anderson & PETA

    In a first hour in-studio appearance, actress Pamela Anderson and Dan Mathews, the author of Committed spoke about their involvement with PETA and animal rights. Mathews said that PETA goes undercover to expose inhumane practices at slaughterhouses, as well as conducts outrageous campaigns to call attention to their issues.

    Anderson, who appeared in one campaign wearing a bikini made of lettuce, in order to promote vegetarianism, described diverting the media's attention away from her personal life and towards the cause of animal rights.

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