Horse in a Human Body

Hosted byIan Punnett

Horse in a Human Body


  • 'Conversation' with a Horse
  • Jason's Trip to England
  • Equine Cosmology & Related
  • About the show

    During the middle two hours of the show, Ian welcomed back Jason 'The Horse', a man who believes he is actually a horse living in a human body. "Growing up I always had the feeling that I should be somewhere else doing something else in a different form," Jason explained. He recalled how seeing a billboard of an English countryside as a child brought back memories of his past life as a shire draft horse in Britain, as well as the profound effect encountering horses for the first time had on him. Upon catching their scent, Jason said he was filled with an overwhelming desire to be with them.

    According to Jason, even though he is in human form, horses recognize him as a fellow member of their species. On a recent trip to England (where he believes he originally came from), a Quarter Horse named Buster sniffed him and "started trembling as if he'd seen a ghost," Jason said. Buster then immediately got the attention of his stable mate, a Friesian named Dante, who issued a challenge for dominance, he added. Jason also admitted that he is attracted to mares (but does not act on those impulses), greatly misses his previous equine state, and looks forward longingly to the day when he can once again run on four hooves.

    The first half-hour featured an audio tribute to the late futurist, and former C2C guest, John Jay Harper, from his 1/5/08 interview with Ian Punnett. The final hour of the program was devoted to Open Lines.

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    Futurist John Jay Harper, a former guest on C2C, passed away on December 15th. A prolific researcher of earth changes, Harper authored the book Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st Century, made numerous public speaking appearances, and served as editor-in-chief of Reality Press in California. Remarkably, these accomplishments came after Harper had already had a lengthy and successful career with the Department of Defense, where he worked at a number of Top Secret facilities. Our condolences to his family and colleagues.

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