Rick Osmon

Rick Osmon


Rick Osmon was selected for the US Air Force Academy right out of high school. He later attended Vincennes University and earned an Associates of Science in Laser and Electro-Optics Technology. He worked for defense contractors a number of years and then took a job with the US Navy as a civilian with an engineering support field activity, specializing in radar, night vision, and laser equipment for surveillance and munitions guidance.

Rick was also reading everything he could find about the weird and unusual, history, archeology, paleontology, geography, cartography, cryptozoology, cryptography, and hollow earth theory. After leaving government employment in 2004, Rick began this hunt for hidden knowledge full time. He also began blogging, researching, and writing, and, in early 2007, started an internet radio show entitled "The Oopa Loopa Cafe." In 2008, he and Dennis Crenshaw, started another radio show, “Unraveling the Secrets.” These shows are now part of the Soup Media Network.



Past Shows:

Last Night

Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine
In the first half, Veterinarian Dr. Marty Goldstein discussed holistic approaches to pet health and well-being. Next, Coast listener John Potter talks about navigating life's challenges after losing his eyesight, followed by Open Lines.


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