Chuck Bergman

Chuck Bergman


Chuck Bergman is a retired Salem MA Police Officer. He is a third generation medium and recalls being able to communicate with the other side since the age of six. He has spent many years in development circles learning meditation techniques that have helped to fine tune his gift. He has completed classes in psychic mediumship, advanced mediumship and Reiki. He just finished his second book which chronicles his life.



Past Shows:

  • Alternative Health / The Psychic Cop

    Dr. Joel Wallach addressed the human body's ability to achieve natural healing, along with the benefits of supplements. Followed by former Salem, Mass. police officer Chuck Bergman on his psychic gifts.More »
  • Revelation Prophecies & Coronavirus / Psychic Readings & Crime Solving

    Benjamin Baruch discussed biblical prophecy and the coronavirus. Followed by Chuck Bergman on his abilities to communicate with the spirit world.More »
  • 'The Visitors'

    Author Whitley Strieber discussed his own contact experience with "the visitors," the prevalence of these close encounters, and the confirming evidence that has been ignored by the media and scientific communities. In the first hour, retired police officer Chuck Bergman...More »
  • Psychic Cop

    Filling in for George Noory, John B. Wells was joined for the entire program by retired police officer and psychic medium Chuck Bergman, who discussed how his psychic abilities have enabled him to solve crimes and help people.More »