Harry Braun

Harry Braun


Harry Braun is the CEO of Sustainable Partners LLC, a systems integration firmthat is involved in a number of renewable energy projects, including thedevelopment of a $180 million wind farm project in New Mexico. He is anexpert in energy technologies and resources, as well as the on-goingdevelopments in molecular biology, protein engineering and nanotechnology.



Past Shows:

  • Shift to Hydrogen

    "Both utopia and oblivion are developing simultaneously," said renewable energy advocate Harry Braun, the guest on Wednesday's show. Braun believes if we could shift from fossil fuels to hydrogen, many of the Earth's most dire problems such as pollution would be alleviated.More »
  • Doom & Gloom

    George rolled into Friday night by creating a special Doom & Gloom line, where callers could share their dark dreams and visions of the future. Daniel from Chico, a self-declared "professional prophet," quickly took up the gauntlet. Explaining the difference between prediction...More »
  • Goodbye to Fossil Fuels?

    How long are we going to "stay addicted to gasoline which is a hideously toxic substance?" posed Harry Braun, a businessman and renewable energy expert who spoke with George this past Tuesday night. Braun outlines in his Phoenix Project how he believes hydrogen could replace...More »
  • Richard C. Hoagland / Harry Braun

    Richard Hoagland is in the midst of investigating incredible new material: the release of the first daytime infrared imaging of the "Cydonia region of Mars" by NASA's current unmanned Odyssey Mission. Hoagland's rescheduling was necessitated by the need for additional time to...More »
  • Harry Braun

    Harry Braun, author of The Phoenix Project, has documented an alternativestrategy that will fundamentally resolve the complex and interrelated globalenergy and environmental problems. Braun proposes to shift investments fromoil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear fuels to renewable...More »