Robin Foy

Robin Foy


Robin P. Foy and his wife Sandra are psychic researchers who have specialized in investigating physical mediumship and physical phenomena in depth for over 37 years. Over the years, they have sat with numerous physical mediums including Leslie Flint, Gordon Higginson, John Squires, Geoffrey Jacobs, Colin Fry, Kai Muege of the Felix Experimental Group, as well as conducting several home circles of their own for the development of physical phenomena. Robin and Sandra were also co-founders of the ISM Link of Home circles and the New Spiritual Science Foundation. Additionally, Robin was the personal founder of the Noah's Ark Society for Physical Mediumship in 1990.




Past Shows:

  • Psychic Tricks / Scole Experiments

    In the first half, professional mentalist Mark Edward talked about psychic cons and tricks of the trade. In the second half, paranormal investigator Tim Coleman and one of the world's leading experts in physical mediumship, Robin Foy, discussed the Scole Experiment.More »

Last Night

Mass Extinction / Living in 5D
Mass Extinction / Living in 5D
Scientist and species explorer Quentin Wheeler shared insights into the state of biodiversity and a possible mass extinction. Followed by teacher Maureen St. Germain on how we can live in the 5th Dimension.


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