Robert Gover

Robert Gover


Robert Gover's career as a writer started during the Beat generation. His first novel, "One Hundred Dollar Misunderstanding", was a surprise world wide hit, though unknown in America which gained him respect from such luminaries of the time as Henry Miller, Gore Vidal and Norman Mailer. He later became immersed in 1960s counterculture and was on hand for such events as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin's attempt to levitate the Pentagon. His close associates included Jim Morrison of The Doors. More recently his passion has turned to astrology, specifically as it applies to economics and politics. He's charted the correlations between planetary patterns and economic events such as stock market crashes, real estate cycles, and the creation and growth of the Federal Reserve. He predicts there will be fundamental changes, even revolutions around the world from 2008 through 2020.



Past Shows:

  • Astrological Forecast: Money

    Novelist and economic astrologer Robert Gover shared his astrological forecasts for finances and the stock market. Certain astrological patterns, such as the positioning of particular planets, can trigger stock market crashes, he said. By mid-2008, we'll see a downward trend in...More »