Sherry Jackson

Sherry Jackson


Sherry Jackson, CPA, CFE has over 22 years experience in public, private and governmental accounting. Ms. Jackson has performed financial reviews, compliance audits, fraud audits and financial training seminars. Additionally, she has provided consultation to clients supporting implementation of internal control recommendations and business and financial management principles. For the U.S. Internal Revenue Service, she investigated fraud and embezzlement, helped prosecute bribery suspects and managed special investigation projects.

Now, on the other side, Ms. Jackson consults with and educates Americans that want personal and financial freedom. She is trained as an expert witness and has been involved in litigation support. She is well versed in many aspects of accounting and finance, and has begun teaching people how to keep what they earn, protect it and make it grow. Ms. Jackson is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners. She holds educational seminars around the country.



Past Shows:

  • Taxation Special

    Main guest, former IRS Special Agent Joe Banister, was joined during the evening by FairTax proponent Bill Spillane, former IRS examiner Sherry Jackson, and attorney Tom Cryer for a look at the constitutionality and legality of current income tax laws.More »
  • Exorcisms, Demons & Spirits

    Authors David M. Kiely & Christina McKenna spoke about their new book The Dark Sacrament, which documents ten contemporary cases of possession and exorcism, and the work of two elderly exorcists Canon William Lendrum, and Father Ignatius McCarthy.More »