Lee McCormick

Lee McCormick


Lee McCormick has always lived out loud. Born into a tribe of movers and shakers, he was raised between his pioneer family’s farm in Florida where his great grandparents homesteaded during the Civil War, and his Dad’s Wyoming cattle ranch. In the late ‘70s and ‘80s Lee hit the road as a singer/songwriter, and eventually ended up in rehab. His inward journey took him to Native American and Mesoamerican shamans and healers who opened him up to a universal view of life and a new paradigm for addiction treatment.

In 1998, Lee founded The Ranch Recovery Center in Tennessee and later The Canyon Treatment Center in Malibu California and has been a creative force in the Mental Health and Recovery scene for over 15 years. He founded Spirit Recovery Inc. to produce healing and recovery conferences and spiritual journeys around the world, and he's a founder of Nashville’s Integrative Life Center and IOP/PHP Community Recovery program.



Past Shows:

  • Psychology of Bullying

    In the first half, psychiatrist Dr. Peter Breggin talked about the problem of bullying. Bullies typically come from a position of feeling shamed, worthless, or powerless he said, and "the worst bullies...have been humiliated by their caregivers." Appearing during the third...More »