
Hosted byGeorge Noory


About the show

Medical sage, known for his work on the healing power of prayer, Dr. Larry Dossey discussed premonitions, and how the mind is much more powerful than conventional science reports. Premonitions or forewarnings typically deal with upcoming disastrous incidents or health problems. He cited a case of a mother who dreamt about a chandelier that fell on her baby. Because she acted on the premonition, the child's life was saved, as the chandelier did end up crashing into the crib.

There could be a genetic component to premonitions, as it protects us from upcoming hazards, and thus fosters survival, he explained. The ability to have these warnings about the future suggests to Dossey that consciousness is not localized strictly within the brain or body, or even aligned to time. One can recognize accurate premonitions by their numinosity, vividness, and whether they are shared by others, he said.

In one 1950 incident, an entire choir avoided a natural gas explosion at their church by all showing up late for practice. Though each member of the choir had mundane reasons for being late, Dossey suspected they stayed away because they had an unconscious linked awareness.

A practice of meditation, as well as keeping a dream diary, can be useful in becoming attuned to premonitions, he noted. The futurist think tank, the Arlington Institute has a project in which people can record their premonitions/intuitions. There is also an online site, GotPsi.Org, which offers online tests of psychic abilities.

A Psychic Medium's Work

First hour guest, psychic medium Marla Frees talked about her abilities to sense the dead, as well as to communicate with animals. She described being able to recognize impressions as being psychic when she is shown situations that are unrelated to her life or memories. Sometimes structural images will show up in her mind like the negative of a photo, she added.


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