Haunted Mansion / Ghost to Ghost 2020

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Haunted Mansion / Ghost to Ghost 2020

About the show

During the first half of Friday night's show, author and paranormal researcher Clete Keith discussed the haunted history of the Greystone Mansion in Beverly Hills. Construction on the 55-room, 46,000 sq ft estate began in February 1927 and by September 1928 the family moved into the new mansion, he reported. Within four months the head of the family, Edward "Ned" Doheny, Jr., died in a guest bedroom in a murder-suicide with his secretary, he added. Keith listed other tragic deaths that have taken place at Greystone, including two maids who committed suicide, a little girl who fell to her death, and a man who shot himself by the pond.

Keith, who was at the mansion during his interview, told George the paranormal activity at the mansion is real and continuous. "Right now there are spirits within the house moving around," he said. One of the housekeepers reported seeing an apparition two days ago, Keith revealed. He shared the account of a city employee who heard three loud knocks on the door of his on-property work trailer and looked out the window to find a glowing translucent stagecoach. The ghost of a girl named Emily has been seen several times in the mansion as well, Keith noted. He also shared several creepy EVPs recorded on location there, including two of what sounded like gunshots which Keith suggested could be related to the murder-suicides that have taken place there.


Ghost to Ghost 2020 followed in the latter half of the program, featuring listeners sharing their spookiest and scariest tales. Michelle in Walnut Ridge, Arkansas, recalled the time she was visited by the spirit of her newly deceased cat. A day or so after her 17-year-old cat had died Michelle reported hearing something jump onto the end of her bed. "I could feel how it always felt when she jumped onto the bed and walked up along the side of me," Michelle said, noting she did not open her eyes. After thirty seconds the ghostly cat slowly faded away, Michelle added.

Bill from Florida told George about the time he attended a paranormal investigation of the Spanish Military Hospital Museum in St Augustine, "which is definitely haunted," he said. According to Bill, strange activity started early in the morning. "While we were there the ghost made a table move slightly up on the second floor," he reported, noting the group climbed the stairs to investigate and were able to communicate with a spirit using a partially unscrewed flashlight. The spirit made the flashlight blink to answer questions, Bill explained.

Carolyn in De Soto, Missouri, recounted the strange tale surrounding an oil painting of her great grandparents' prized horse, Black Hawk Morgan. The piece was created in 1892 by a traveling artist who stayed at their home for a few days in exchange for the portrait, she revealed. The artwork features the horse staring across a field at a train. According to Carolyn, Dr. Irish was killed, along with Black Hawk Morgan, in a tragic coach accident, and Irish's youngest daughter's husband was killed by a train in the 1920s. The strange thing about the painting is the train in the painting is a 1920s Hudson, which did not exist when the portrait was made, Carolyn disclosed. She suggested the artist may have been a time traveler.

News segment guests: Jerome Corsi / Kevin Randle

Bumper Music

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