Richard Estep

Richard Estep


Richard Estep first got involved with paranormal research in 1995 in the UK after attending an overnight investigation at the infamous St. Botolph's ("Skidbrooke") church. He spent the next five years investigating the haunted hamlets of Great Britain as a member of Andrew Wright's Leicester-based team. Richard co-founded Boulder County Paranormal Research Society (BCPRS) with his wife, Laura, after relocating to the United States in 1999.



Past Shows:

  • UFOs & Alien Abductions / Haunting of Ashmore Estates

    Researcher and experiencer Whitley Strieber discussed the alien abduction enigma and historic UFO cases. Followed by paranormal researcher Richard Estep on haunted Ashmore Estates.More »
  • True Crime Cases / Consciousness & ETs

    Author Richard Estep shared his latest research into true crime cases that involved murder and betrayal. Followed by lecturer and filmmaker Caroline Cory on her experiences with ETs, and the paranormal.More »
  • Serial Killer Next Door / Rendlesham UFO Incident

    Author Richard Estep discussed the ways in which many serial killers maintain lives separate from the evil acts they commit. Followed by retired UK police detective constable Gary Heseltine on the 1980 Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident.More »
  • Life of Hank Garrett / Haunted Road Trip

    Actor, comedian, and wrestler Hank Garrett talked about his decades-long career in show business. Followed by paranormal expert Richard Estep on his haunted US road trip, and his study of serial killers.More »
  • Investigating Poltergeists & Ghosts / Haunted Murder House

    Randy Liebeck talked about his work investigating paranormal phenomena at various haunted locations. Followed by Richard Estep who discussed the infamous Villisca Axe Murder House.More »
  • Heart Intelligence / Violent Poltergeist Case

    Howard Martin shared research linking heart function with emotions and the brain. Followed by Richard Estep and Bil Bungay on the Black Monk of Pontefract.More »
  • Mars & Astronomy / Haunted Locations

    Prof. David Weintraub shared updates on Mars and space exploration. Followed by Richard Estep on haunted locales.More »
  • Hauntings & Apparitions

    Brandon Massullo spoke about new directions in paranormal research. Richard Estep discussed Civil War hauntings at Gettysburg.More »
  • Channeling/ Haunted Hospitals

    In the first half, paranormal investigator and medium Chris Fleming joined Dave Schrader (email) to discuss the ins and outs of channeling sessions and communicating with the other side. During the final two hours, paranormal researcher Richard Estep talked about the world’s...More »
  • Nazi International/ Paranormal Investigations

    Joining Richard Syrett in the first half of the program, author and researcher Joseph P. Farrell discussed his examination of the Nazi International, an organized "extra-territorial state" with deep financial pockets and penetration within the post-war corporate world. ...More »

Last Night

Prophecy Update / Anti-Gravity Technology
Prophecy Update / Anti-Gravity Technology
Authority on Nostradamus, prophecy, and astrology, John Hogue returned to update his prophecy alarm. Followed by researcher and author Ryan S. Wood on anti-gravity technology and the MJ-12 documents.


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