Anne Foerst

Anne Foerst


Dr. Anne Foerst is currently a visiting professor for Theology and Computer Science at St. Bonaventure University in Olean, New York. She has served as the theological advisor for the Cog and Kismet Projects at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She has spoken extensively on artificial intelligence, computer science, and concepts of personhood and dignity to academic audiences and the media.

She is also a contributing editor to Spirituality & Health and consults for National Public Radio. As the only robotics theologian in the country, her work has captured much media attention, including coverage in The New York Times, The Boston Globe, and Science.



Past Shows:

  • Robots & Humanity

    Robotics theologian Anne Foerst, the author of the new book God in the Machine,offered commentary on some of the provocative issues that will arise with robotics in the years to come.More »