Pauline Holeton

Pauline Holeton


Fighting to restore and preserve various freedoms, John & Pauline Holeton are the founders of Warriors for American Revolution. They have waged a non-stop fight against Smart Meters and have been helping communities battle to stop the installation of what they say is invasive and dangerous technology which can damage our health and erode our civil liberties.


Past Shows:

  • Egypt, Terrorism, & the Blind Sheikh

    Journalist Peter Lance discussed the the Blind Sheikh, terrorism, and the connections to what is currently going on in Egypt and the Middle East. The leader of an al-Qaeda cell, Omar Abdel Rahman, known as the Blind Sheikh, is an Egyptian who is now jailed for life in a U.S....More »
  • Smart Meters/ Parapsychology

    Fighting to restore and preserve various freedoms, John & Pauline Holeton, discussed their battle against smart meters in the first half of the show. Smart meters, which energy companies are increasingly using to replace analog meters on homes, have the ability to communicate...More »

Last Night

Comedy & Neuroticism / Earthquake Sensitive
Comedy & Neuroticism / Earthquake Sensitive
Writer Andy Cowan talked about his comedy/therapy podcast, "The Neurotic Vaccine." Followed by earthquake sensitive Charlotte King on the bodily symptoms she experiences and her forecasts.


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