Larry Niven

Larry Niven


Larry Niven is the multiple Hugo and Nebula Award-winning author of the Ringworld series and many other science fiction masterpieces. His Beowulf's Children, co-authored with Jerry Pournelle and Steven Barnes, was a New York Times bestseller.Larry started writing in the 60s and is now considered one of the grand masters of hard science fiction.



Past Shows:

  • Science-Fiction Phantasmagoria

    John B. Wells welcomed four highly respected science fiction authors: Larry Niven, Joe Haldeman, Lois McMaster Bujold, and Paul Di Filippo. They discussed their respective works, and how sci-fi can help us predict the future.More »
  • Irish Origins, 2012, & Subversive Symbols

    Alternative historian Michael Tsarion returned for a discussion about Irish origins, subversive symbols, his Timegnosis project, and the meaning of 2012. Most people aren't aware of the antiquity of Ireland and its importance in the origins of civilization, he noted. In fact,...More »

Last Night

Natural Remedies / Dracos & Archons
Natural Remedies / Dracos & Archons
Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the ability to achieve natural healing through remedies and supplements. Followed by spirit channeler Antonio Arilo on what he has learned about the Dracos and the Archons.


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