Michael Norman

Michael Norman


Michael Norman spent 18 years collecting ghost stories, ranging from the typical (with rattling chains, moans, cold spots, and the like) to the elaborate (the spectral marching soldiers of Indiana's Battle of Tippecanoe, a haunted mine, and the infamous Inn of Seventeen Ghosts in Pennsylvania, for instance).


Past Shows:

  • Minnesota Ghost Stories

    During the first half of the program, Ian Punnett welcomed author Michael Norman, who shared ghost stories from Minnesota. The latter half of the show featured Open Lines.More »
  • Michael Norman

    Michael Norman spent 18 years collecting ghost stories, ranging from the typical (with rattling chains, moans, cold spots, and the like) to the elaborate (the spectral marching soldiers of Indiana's Battle of Tippecanoe, a haunted mine, and the infamous Inn of Seventeen Ghosts...More »