Durk Pearson

Durk Pearson


Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw are award-winning scientists and authors of three bestselling books, including the #1 New York Times bestseller "Life Extension, a Practical Scientific Approach." They have been studying aging processes since 1968. Durk received his degree in physics (after majoring in physics, biology, and
psychology and with minors in electronic engineering, computer science, and
chemistry) in 1965 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His expertise in quality control and failure analysis resulted in his receiving an award from the International Society for Testing and Failure Analysis for his highly respected work in figuring out what might go wrong, what did go wrong, and how to avoid things going wrong as an aerospace and weapons scientist.



Past Shows:

  • Life Extension / Dying Process

    In the first half of the show, Durk Pearson & Sandy Shaw discussed life extension and health supplements. In the latter half, thanatologist and grief expert David Kessler talked about what happens when we die.More »