Rael -

Rael -


Three years ago, Rael, the well-known spiritual leader of the Raelian Movement, the largest UFO-related organization in the world counting 55,000 members in 84 countries, founded CLONAID, the first company offering to clone human beings. They are currently working on the cloning of a 10-month old American baby who died. The laboratory, and scientific staff, is somewhere in the US in a secret location. Rael believes that today's cloning technology is the first step in the quest for eternal life. Once we can clone exact replicas of ourselves, the next step will be to transfer our memory and personality into our newly-cloned brains, which will allow us totruly live forever. Since we will be able to remember all our past, we will be able to accumulate knowledge ad infinitum.


Past Shows:

  • Rael, Cloning, & Jesus in India

    First hour guest, leader of the Raelian Movement, Rael, discussed his ET encounters which took place in 1973 at a volcanic crater in France. During these encounters, he said he learned that humans were not the result of random evolution, but deliberately created by the aliens...More »