Hania Stromberg

Hania Stromberg


Hania Stromberg has worked in a variety of mental hospitals and clinics. Her experience prior to working in private practice includes involvement with hospice organizations, consultations to an alcoholism and crisis center, and teaching at the Santa Fe College of Natural Medicine. In the late 1970s, she met Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and two of Kubler-Ross' associates. This gave her the support for her ideals of working with the dying. From 1980 through August of this year, she has been involved in her psychotherapy practice and has worked with many people helping them to find a way out of various forms of human misery and suffering, including intense grieving, depression, and post-traumatic stress. In all of her therapy work she has encouraged seeing the mystery behind the tribulations of life and supported the bereaved, the mourning, and the traumatized in the awareness of the enduring bond between the living and the deceased, as a way toward healing their intense sadness and despair.

Past Shows:

  • Induced After-Death Communication

    Clinical psychologist Dr. Allan Botkin discussed his groundbreaking method to help grief-stricken patients deal with their traumatic memories using a procedure called Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).More »