Shelley Yates

Shelley Yates


Shelley Yates was an ordinary woman who had experienced a lot of hard knocks in her forty years and did not have much to thank God for. While driving her four-year-old son down the road her world turned literally upside down as her car flipped into a marsh and began to fill with water.


Past Shows:

  • NDE Revelations

    Mellen-Thomas Benedict shared details of his incredible Near Death Experience (NDE) that took place in 1982, while he was in hospice care for a terminal illness.More »
  • Documenting Ghosts

    Journalist and ghost investigator Jeff Belanger shared his work compiling ghost stories as well as his discussions with the late George Lutz of the Amityville house. There is a preponderance of evidence for ghosts, said Belanger, who listed three types of cases: non-intelligent...More »
  • Miracles and Prayers

    Author Sherry Steiger discussed Christmas miracles, and recounted the death of her son Eric. He had given her signs a week in advance that he was going to die, though she hadn't realized it at the time. Then during a holiday stage performance, a voice in her head told her this...More »