10 Notorious Lake Monsters Not Named Nessie

While the legendary Loch Ness Monster may receive most of the attention when it comes to lake monsters, there are actually a slew of suspected sea creatures around the world that have inspired their own mythology.

The website Listverse chronicles ten of these overlooked lake monsters and details their remarkable backstory.

Among the list is the terrifying five-handed aquatic hyena, dubbed Ahuitzotl by the Aztecs, that was said to lurk around Mexico City and drag its victims into the water after mimicking a child in need.

Perhaps less fearsome is the Beast of Busco, an alleged giant snapping turtle that struck fear in the hearts of residents of Churubusco, Indiana in the late 19th century.

Fans of chimeras will be happy to know that not only did the legendary Goatman of Lake Worth, Texas make the list, but so did the Frogman from Loveland, Ohio.

Both creatures were, as one can surmise, described by witnesses as humanoid entities that somehow possessed strange animal characteristics that gave them their name.

A shell-covered imp from Britain, appropriately known as Shellycoat, and an incredible African beast described as an 'elephant killer' are also represented in the diverse mix of aquatic cryptids.

The complete list shows that there's a veritable menagerie of potential monsters that very well may be lurking in various lakes around the world.

Hopefully some of them will swim up to the surface again and claim a larger place in cryptozoological lore.

Source: Listverse

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