13 Days of Ghost to Ghost: Killed by a Ouija Board?

To celebrate our upcoming Ghost to Ghost special on Halloween night, C2C is revisiting all thirteen installments of the annual spooktacular in the Coast archive.

To kick things off, we journey back to 2003, when Art Bell presided over an epic five-hour Ghost to Ghost spectacular.

One of the more unnerving tales shared by a listener that evening came from Steve in Vista, California.

"This is a pretty scary one," he said, much to Art's delight, "I don't like telling this, but I almost have an obligation."

The story concerned Steve's friend from Tijuana, Mexico, who had a chilling experience at a party in her neighborhood.

As the revelry progressed into the night, someone in the group produced a Ouija Board and they began playing with the infamous device.

The fun 'game' soon turned dark as one of the partygoers began challenging the Ouija Board by swearing at it and calling it a liar.

"Maybe he had too many drinks," Steve theorized, "I don't know."

The man continued his verbal attacks on the Ouija Board until the group grew uneasy and tried to put it away.

However, he insisted on being allowed to play with the device and began asking it questions, only to keep declaring that it was a liar.

The strange exchange reached a culmination when the angry Ouija user asked the board if it knew when he was going to die.

It replied, "of course."

Undeterred, the man insisted that it be more specific and the Ouija Board replied, "this night."

In what will likely surprise very few readers, Steve revealed that, upon walking home from the party later that evening, the man was hit by a truck and killed.

Whether the man's demise was destined to happen that evening or was orchestrated by the Ouija Board may never be known, but Steve story should give anyone pause before the break out the 'game' during their Halloween festivities.

Coast Insiders can hear this story and many others from the 2003 edition of Ghost to Ghost as well as explore our complete Ghost to Ghost Collection.

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