2017 Bilderberg Meeting Underway

The infamous annual gathering of global power brokers known as the Bilderberg Meeting began today in Virginia.

The controversial conclave has long been suspected by conspiracy theorists of being the place where the powerful elite plot to use their influence to guide world affairs.

Although the meeting and the discussions held therein are highly secretive, the organization has shared their agenda for this year's event, which may provide a glimpse as to the issues that are on the minds of the 'powers that be.'

Among the topics slated to be discussed are a "progress report" on the Trump administration so far, the future of the EU, and the role of Russia as well as China in world affairs.

Additionally, social trends surrounding the rise in populism, the accelerating pace of globalization, and the 'war on information' are also listed on the agenda for this year.

Noteworthy names confirmed to be attending the event are Senators Lindsay Graham and Tom Cotton, National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, journalist Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal, and former CIA director David Petraeus.

However, in a testament to the mysterious and faceless nature of the 'powers that be,' the vast majority of the 130 or so attendees are high powered finance and industry leaders who are far from household names.

And while we may never know exactly what is being discussed by these individuals, it's likely that future world events and changes may owe themselves to conversations that are had over the course of the next few days.

Coast Insiders looking to learn more about the Bilderberg Meeting can check out investigative journalist Daniel Estulin's numerous appearances on the program, including the excellent Bilderberg Roundtable featuring Estulin, Jim Marrs, and Alex Jones.

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