A New Blueprint

Back in 2002, I interviewed tonight's guest Lynne McTaggart for After Dark about her then new book, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe(1). In this work she locates a common thread that runs through complex studies in physics, biology and parapsychology. This unity, she believes points to a new blueprint of ourselves and the world.

To some McTaggart has proposed nothing less than a science of religion. "I think a lot of the information the scientists were presenting, the idea of the Field, the idea of interconnectedness, the idea of higher human potential, all of these things were present in Eastern religions for many centuries," she told me.

"It's what many intuitively understood for centuries, that there is certainly something more out there and life is much more about connection then the very reductive view of present day science and particularly Neo Darwinism, one of my pet hates. Because I think it is utterly reductive, the idea that we are just survival machines and we are a genetic kind of mistake or an accident of nature. That our genes use us and discard us to carry on this impulse towards blind mutation. I think that is completely reductive and wrong," she said.


1. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/006019300X/ctoc/
2. http://archive.coasttocoastam.com/info/about_lex.html

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