Alien or Demon?

Tonight's guest, author Hugh Ross has examined the question of alien phenomena from a traditional Christian perspective. He has suggested that those who witness UFOs or undergo "alien abduction," may have opened themselves up to these experiences through occult associations.

In an article posted on Ross' website, titled Alien Encounters Fail the Test, Kenneth R. Samples writes that "demons" could be behind contact encounters. "The contactees may, at times, be experiencing real contact with an objective reality, but, in such instances, that reality would indeed be what the Bible calls the power of darkness," he states.

And while Samples acknowledges many believe their contact experiences are benevolent in nature, he argues the source they arise from is suspect. However acclaimed researcher John Mack writes "many abduction experiences are unequivocally spiritual, which usually involve some sort of powerful encounter with, or immersion in, divine light," and that many of the abductees he worked with sought to live in greater harmony with others as a result of their contact experiences.

Leave it to the famed author and experiencer, Whitley Strieber to see acutely from both sides of the coin, as he described in Breakthrough(1): "As I fought the being off, I'd experienced terror from the very bottom of my that second it felt like the devil himself was about to leap down my throat...The damned thing of it was, I felt loved, I felt that there was something good and decent there, and I found myself surrender to this...gentleness."



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