Arcade Owners in China Fear the 'Claw Master'

Arcade owners in the Chinese city of Xiamen have come to fear a particular patron who boasts an uncanny ability to harvest toys from their claw machines.

Chen Zhitong has amassed a stunning 3,000 dolls over the last six months, earning him the nickname 'the claw machine god' and requiring three rooms in his home to contain the collection.

According to the strangely-skilled man, he once acquired an incredible 100 dolls in one visit to a claw machine.

Zhitong's reputation for cleaning out claw machines has become so renowned in Xiamen that owners of businesses with the game actually take him out to dinner in the hopes that he will stop winning so many of their toys.

Despite their pleas, he has no plans to stop playing the game and explains that it is the process of winning the toys which drives him and not the dolls themselves.

However, his family may beg to differ, since they're sharing their home with 3,000 of the plush prizes.

Source: Shanghaiist

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