Are Paranormal Researchers Being Murdered?

The death of a second paranormal researcher in the last two weeks has some conspiracy theorists speculating that they may have been murdered.

The unsettling suggestion emerged following the passing of Max Spiers, an alleged member of a clandestine 'super soldier' program that rose to prominence as a purported whistleblower.

Spiers died suddenly this past weekend in Poland and the cause of his death remains unknown at this time.

Rumors abound that Spiers was found with black liquid oozing out of his mouth and other suspicious circumstances surrounding his demise have been noted by his colleagues.

As such, the unexpected and perplexing passing has led to conspiracy researchers theorizing that Spiers was assassinated in order to silence him.

Their concerns are magnified by the fact that Spiers passed away only a few days after prominent Indian paranormal researcher Gaurav Tiwari also died.

Although police believe Tiwari committed suicide, the pair of deaths have rattled some in the paranormal research community who suspect that there may be a sinister connection.

While the timing of the deaths is certainly unnerving, a reasoned examination of the situation suggests that the two researchers were probably not the victims of a vast conspiracy.

Despite the media labeling them as 'UFO researchers,' Tiwari was primarily a ghost investigator while Spiers seemed to focus mostly on government conspiracies.

Therefore, it is unlikely that Tiwari's work would have drawn the ire of nefarious forces looking to eliminate him.

Certainly Spiers could have been targeted for his outspoken nature, but any link to Tiwari's death appears to be tenuous at best.

Additionally, murdering both men would have required a considerably complex conspiracy, since Tiwari died in his native India while Spiers passed away in Poland.

So while paranormal researchers should be saddened by the unfortunate passing of the two men, it is unlikely that they were victims of an organized movement to purge the field.

Nonetheless, the concept is not an altogether new idea and has been proposed by researchers in the past.

Coast Insiders can check out the 3/12/2014 edition of C2C where disclosure activist Stephen Bassett discussed his concerns over a spate of prominent UFO researchers dying due to fast-acting cancers.

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