Audio: Psychically Sensing the Lottery

With Powerball fever gripping the nation, we're hoping to improve our luck by presenting two free lottery-themed audio clips from the vast C2C archive.

In this segment from the 2/7/2008 program, remote viewing instructor Paul Smith detailed how dowsing can be used to decipher winning lottery numbers.

According to Smith, the seemingly simple method netted one of his students $18,000, so if it works for you, please keep us in mind when you collect your winnings.

And, on the 2/2/2006 edition of Coast, magician Jim Karol shared his amazing story of being told a set of winning lottery numbers in a dream.

Before you roll your eyes at Karol's claims, know that his tale made headlines because he actually knew the winning numbers a month in advance and predicted them to numerous people.

So next time you wonder why psychics don't win the lottery more often, perhaps the better question may be how do you know they don't?