Baby Declared Dead Revives in Miraculous Fashion

A baby in China miraculously cheated death twice after being declared dead and then waking up in the morgue before he was scheduled to be cremated.

Born premature, the boy named An An had been cared for in an incubator for over a month before his father brought him home for the Chinese New Year.

An An then seemingly succumbed to his fragile condition two days later and, despite valiant efforts of doctors, was deemed to have died and even issued an official death certificate.

Incredibly, the baby, who had been wrapped in two layers of clothes by his heartbroken father, went on to spend a whopping 15 hours in subfreezing temperatures awaiting cremation.

But when the procedure was about to begin, An An suddenly revived and began wailing, much to the shock of workers at the morgue.

Doctors are stunned at the baby's miraculous experience, but are concerned that An An may not survive his condition.

Based on his first few weeks in the world, we'd suggest not underestimating An An's fortitude.

Source: The Telegraph

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