Bosnian Teen Breaks Odd Record

A teenager in Bosnia boasting a black belt in taekwondo captured the world record for smashing concrete blocks with his head.

Sixteen-year-old Kerim Ahmetspahic accomplished the headache-inducing feat at a martial arts event over the weekend.

As representatives from Guinness looked on, Ahmetspahic broke an amazing 111 blocks in only 35 seconds!

Perhaps even more incredible than the record itself was the unorthodox technique used by the young man.

With the blocks carefully arranged into stacks of six, Ahmetspahic's mustered the force to break them by performing a flip in front of the pile and landing on top of it with his head!

The momentum from each head-first dive propelled him down the line of 11 stacks in what was truly a mesmerizing display.

After Guiness examined the blocks to ensure that they were broken, the record-keeping organization awarded Ahmetspahic with the title much to the delight of the audience in attendance.

When asked how he felt after smashing over a hundred concrete blocks with his skull, the teen claimed that he could have broken even more and declared that "I still have more power."

Hopefully that's not a sign that the new world record had already gone to his head.

Source: Daily Mail