Cat Unfazed by Rattlesnake in Texas

A Texas police department's warning to residents about rattlesnakes resulted in a 'fearless' cat becoming an Internet star.

In a posting on their Facebook page, authorities in the town of Laguna Vista detailed how they had recently retrieved a rattlesnake from an area walking trail.

Alongside the cautionary message for Laguna Vistans to be aware of their surroundings this time of year were a number of photos showing police assisting in the capture of the dangerous creature.

Their message soon reached well beyond Laguna Vista when observers began sharing one particular photo which captured a cat lounging perilously close to the rattlesnake and seemingly unperturbed by its presence.

Realizing they had inadvertently spawned a viral sensation thank to the remarkably meme-worthy image, the police department branded the feline 'fearless' in a subsequent posting celebrating its popularity.
