Creepy 9/11 Note Put on Pizza Box

As he settled down to dine on a just-delivered pizza, a man in England was taken aback when he opened the box and discovered a creepy note about 9/11.

Michael Thorman says that he and his girlfriend ordered a pair of pizzas from a local Domino's and, during the online checkout, asked that staff write something amusing on the box.

Such a request is not altogether strange as this is apparently a social media trend that has recently emerged, where people share the funny drawing or joke online.

And, indeed, the duo got a good chuckle at a picture of two pizzas fighting which was drawn on the first box they received.

However, it was the second pizza that caused Thorman's stomach to turn as it contained a crude drawing of an airplane flying into the Twin Tower and the question, "who did 9/11?"

Making the odd doodle all the more unsettling is that Thorman and his girlfriend ordered the pizzas while they were watching the One Manchester benefit concert for the victims of the heinous terror attack last month.

The eerie timing of the message left them rather perturbed and, seeing the social media trend backfire on Domino's, Thorman posted the image to their Facebook page in a complaint.

As one might expect, the company quickly apologized, offered him a voucher for a future meal, and offered an assurance that the drawing was done my a misguided young team member who has since been reprimanded.

Should the employee decide to attempt a similar message in the future, perhaps we can suggest one that might go over a little bit better: Research Flat Earth.

Source: The Sun