Eerie Anomaly Photographed at Haunted Pub in England

A paranormal investigator in England believes he may have photographed the ghost of woman said to lurk in a haunted pub.

The image was taken while ghost hunter Andrew Williamson was conducting an investigation at a site known as the Griffin Inn in the English city of Wakefield.

Allegedly able to sense the presence of spirits around him, Williamson purportedly felt that he was not alone during his visit to the pub, although he was the only living person there at the time.

As such, he snapped some photos of the area where he suspected the ghost might have been and used a longer shutter speed in an attempt to capture the spirit on film.

Based on the photographed that this process produced, it would appear that Williamson's proverbial sixth sense may have been correct as there appears to be some kind of apparition-like anomaly in the image.

The photo astounded the pub's landlord, who claims to have heard numerous stories about ghostly experiences at the site from frequent patrons as well as the wife of the former owner, who allegedly thought that the location was home to the spirit of a woman and a small child.

No doubt skeptics who see the image will say that the anomaly is simply a photographic error and not proof that the pub is haunted.

What do you think of the oddity found in the photo? Let us know at the Coast to Coast AM Facebook page.

Source: Mirror