Experts Divided Over 'Big Cat' in MS

A Mississippi man was left scratching his head when he spotted what appears to be a massive black cat walking through a field and even experts can't agree on what he saw.

The strange encounter took place as David Sluder was pulling into a Wendy's restaurant in the city of Hernando and noticed something amiss in the distance.

After initially thinking that perhaps he was watching a deer or a coyote, he realized that the creature was actually a very large cat.

Having never seen such a thing before, Sluder smartly took out his cellphone and captured some footage of the big cat stalking through some tall grass.

"That is an absolutely enormous ... something over there," he marvels in the video, "I mean it's a cat, but this thing is gigantic."

According to Sluder, he was around 75 to 100 yards away from the creature when he filmed it, which may provide some perspective on the feline's size.

The nature of the 'big cat' is apparently the source of some controversy in the state as different officials and departments have expressed wildly different opinions.

An expert with the Mississippi Department of Wildlife was quick to dismiss the mystery feline as simply a house cat and asserted that the pointed shape of the creature's ears confirmed that conclusion.

However, the city and county animal control offices beg to differ, saying that the creature is the much more dangerous mountain lion and are currently on the lookout for the 'big cat.'

With reports of similar ferocious felines occurring in this general region of the country in recent years, it's not entirely impossible that Suder's sighting could have simply been the latest encounter.

One way in the mystery may be solved is if someone steps forward to identify the creature as merely their pet cat who has been feasting on Friskies for far too long.

Source: GrindTV