Fisherman Catches Bass and Finds a Mole in its Mouth!

A fisherman from Missouri could not believe his eyes after he caught a large mouth bass and discovered that there was a mole inside the fish's mouth!

Monroe MacKinney snagged the incredible 'double catch' while fishing at a pond on his parent's property.

According to MacKinney, he spotted the diminutive rodent as he reached into the bass' mouth to retrieve his lure and the unexpected sight startled him so much that he nearly dropped the fish.

As to how a mole wound up in the mouth of the fish, wildlife experts suspect that recent heavy rains in the area may have driven the normally subterranean creature into the water where it was eaten by the bass.

Another possibility is that a bird of prey purposely dropped the creature into the lake in the hopes using it as bait for fish which it would then go after, which is actually a remarkable animal behavior seen by researchers in the past.

Regardless of how the mole became fish food, it would appear that there was some karmic justice for the unfortunate animal as the bass never got to enjoy its meal thanks to MacKinney's awesome catch.

Source: National Geographic