Ghost of Ginger Rogers Said to Haunt Her Childhood Home

A Missouri woman who purchased the childhood home of iconic actress Ginger Rogers claims to have encountered the ghost of the late Hollywood star.

Owner Marge Padgitt, who is in the process of turning the building into a museum dedicated to Rogers, revealed a rather remarkable experience in which she believes the actress' spirit appeared before her.

While she was standing in the room in which Rogers was born, Padgitt told the website Closer Weekly, she suddenly felt a presence and then saw "a foggy mist turn into a woman in a ball gown that looked like Ginger."

According to Padgitt, the apparition appeared to have "a pleasant look on her face" which led the aspiring museum curator to the conclusion that the departed actress was happy that a museum was being created in her honor.

Cynical observers may suspect that Padgitt's story was concocted as a publicity stunt the museum, but one would hope that someone so dedicated to building a monument to the actress would be above such shenanigans.

And, since the museum hasn't actually opened to the public yet, it seems a bit premature to be planting stories in the press about spooky happenings at the building, since such a tale seems likely to only attract ghost hunters rather than paying patrons.

Source: Closer Weekly