Ghost Returns Lost Candlesticks?

The owners of a historic castle in England were left bewildered after four antique candlesticks were seemingly returned by a ghost after vanishing nearly three years ago.

Sir Thomas Ingilby of the Rigby Castle says that the silver pieces, valued at over $10,000, disappeared from the building back in 2014.

After searching far and wide throughout the spacious castle and hoping they would turn up, he eventually reported the lost candlesticks to his insurer, who subsequently reimbursed Ingilby for the missing items last year.

However, much to his surprise, the objects have suddenly reappeared in the home under strange circumstances that have led him to suspect something supernatural was afoot.

According to Ingilby, the candlesticks were found sitting in a red bag next to their replacements in a development which he called "quite astounding," since the area had been search several times by multiple people.

This is not the first time such an odd occurrence has happened in the home as a similar 'act' took place with a set of silverware which went missing for a year and a half before being found exactly where it had always been.

In light of the castle's history of ghostly activity, Ingilby believes that the disappearance of the candlesticks was some kind of paranormal prank perpetrated by a pair of spirits said to be those of two children who died in the castle.

Lest one think this was some kind of insurance scheme cooked up by Ingilby, he promptly reimbursed the money to his insurer, who marveled that, while lost items sometimes get found, this was the first time such a case was attributed to a ghost.

Source: Yorkshire Post