Ghosts Cause Restaurant to Close

The owners of a restaurant in Texas briefly shut down their establishment last week after spotting what they believe to be ghostly activity captured by a security camera. Joe and April Ward, owners of the OnLive Hall of Fame Café in San Antonio, suspected something was amiss at the site when objects were seemingly moved in the middle of the night. When they turned to their security system to solve the mystery, the Wards were shaken when they saw what appears to be some kind of apparition causing the commotion.

In response to the footage, the couple actually closed down the restaurant for a few days so that they could consult with a paranormal investigator. April Ward told a local TV station that their suspicions were immediately confirmed by the ghost hunter mere moments after being texted the video. A subsequent visit to the shuttered restaurant by Veronica Bautista of the Afterlife Paranormal Society allegedly yielded some remarkable insights into who or what is lurking in the OnLive Hall of Fame Café.

According to the ghost hunter, the restaurant is actually inhabited by six different spirits ranging in age and named Peter, Don, Tammy, Jesse, Amber, and Stephen. How this incredibly specific information was obtained is not exactly explained, but it may have been the product of an EVP or one of the many 'ghost communication' devices popular with paranormal investigators. Nonetheless, Bautista concluded that it was safe for the restaurant to open for business once again after she asked the ghosts if they wanted them to leave and did not receive any response.

For their part, despite being uneasy about the ghosts 'living' at their business, the Wards have made the best of an odd situation. Upon re-opening the restaurant on Monday, the Online Hall of Fame Café reportedly began offering a special ghost-themed ice cream float. And they plan to soon begin hosting overnight stays at the site for ghost hunting groups and other paranormal investigators hoping to encounter the half dozen spirits who purportedly call the restaurant home.