Gruesome 'Mystery Creature' Found in Norway

A Norwegian couple could not believe their eyes after discovering the body of a bizarre unidentifiable creature in their yard.

Karl Ingar Fossbakkens says that his wife first spotted the strange dead animal and gave him the unenviable task of removing it.

Aghast at the sight, Fossbakkens made sure to take a picture of the 'mystery creature' for posterity.

An image of the ten-inch long carcass set off a firestorm online as observers attempted to discern what exactly it might have been.

Initial theories ranged from larger animals such as a deer or a moose all the way down in scale to possibly a bat.

Fortunately the mystery may have been solved as a zoologist in Norway has suggested that the creature is a giant frog that met a most unfortunate end.

Roar Solheim says that it likely fell victim to a hungry heron, but was then discarded because it was too big to be eaten and subsequently landed on the Fossbakkens' property.

So while the gruesome creature may look like a monster, it just may be that it was actually merely a meal for something much more vociferous.

Source: Express