Halloween Gallery 2020, Part 2

Here are the second half of our selections for C2C's Halloween Gallery 2020! View Part 1 here. Thanks to all who sent in their artwork!

Pictured above: "Pumpkin's Wrath featuring: CrazyJerry & BonAppetit" by Jerry Bartlett (CrazyJerry) -- diesel-bike.com


"Best House on the Block" by Bill Oliver -- boysoblue@telus.net


"The Scariest Pumpkin" by Greg


"411: Wonderland Trail" (acrylic on canvas) by Greg Sheltren


"Halloween Selfie" by Tim R. Swartz -- trswartz@hotmail.com


"The Ghost in the Lamp" by Kalynn W. -- instagram.com/kalynnw.photography


"Answer the Call" (graphite on paper) by Bridget


"Spirit Shadow" (India ink and watercolor) by Kathryn Sturges -- kathrynsturges.com


"Unholy Demon" by KJ Parker -- kjparker2011@gmail.com


"Curiosity" by Alfred-John P. Contreras -- ajpc18.squarespace.com | Ajpc18photography@gmail.com


"Demon Dog" by RobRoy Menzies -- bigfootartgallery.com


For more, view Part 1 here.