JPL 'UFO' Revealed

Following news that an anomaly hunter had possibly spotted a UFO at NASA's Jet Propulsion Lab, a pair of engineers at JPL have revealed the truth about the 'flying saucer.'

Dr. Nacer Chahat posted a pair of pictures to his Twitter account showing a close-up of the 'craft' in question and it is decidedly terrestrial in nature.

Although Chahat did not explain what the object specifically was, an investigation into the image after it emerged suggests that the 'UFO' is simply a piece of a giant antenna used by the facility.

No doubt the disclosure will disappoint many an anomaly hunter, but the revelation should serve as no surprise to anyone who doubted that NASA would be foolish enough to leave their secret alien craft lying around for Google to see.

Still, one can't help but notice the strange symbols surrounding the circle and wonder just what is really going on over there at JPL...