Letter from George

For most Americans, it’s difficult to imagine true poverty. The kind that brings into question every meal, the shirt on your back or the shoes on your feet. The kind that causes you to give up hope for tomorrow in order to survive just one more day. The blessings of life in America are truly unique, but, sadly, it’s not for everyone. It’s especially sad when those who suffer most are children.

But thanks to a caring organization called Children International and people just like us, these children have hope. I am so proud of the Coast to Coast listeners who have sponsored more than 1,800 children and made this program a Super Power in the fight against poverty.

Will you join me in sponsoring a child? My first child's name was Maritza. She's 9 years old now, but has moved out of Children International's coverage area.

The most recent child I am sponsoring is Yasmin, who now lives with the same hope and potential her parents once thought impossible. For a small monthly contribution, you too can provide a needy child with clothing, healthcare, educational support and much more. Then when your child and their family struggle to meet the daily basic survival needs, they can know hope lies ahead for a bright and prosperous future.

Join me, won't you? Visit this page to find your special child, or call 1-800-301-9194. See how just 75 cents worth of change a day, can make a big change in a small child's life...and maybe yours too!

George Noory

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