Loch Ness On The Rocks

Loch Ness in Scotland is famed for sightings of a sea creature nicknamed "Nessie" but now locals are offering a new twist on the legendary lore.

Bottled water fresh from Loch Ness itself.

Though Nessie sightings are on the wane, a few enterprising Scots are taking advantage of their favorite beastie, reports the UK Press and Journal.

A businessman in Inverness, John Oag and his team of Highland investors, have backed the birth of Loch Ness Water with a whopping six figure investment. Their bottling plant is now producing 5,000 bottles a week of H20.

"The global phenomenon of Loch Ness and the Loch Ness monster is undeniable," co-owner Oag said.

"Now people can have a chance to buy drinking water that contains a piece of the mystery that is Loch Ness."

Sadly, the bottled Loch Ness contains no monster.

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