Macabre Mystery Unearthed in TX

A construction worker renovating the outside of a home in Texas uncovered a macabre mystery when he dug up a concrete walkway and discovered that it was made out of overturned headstones.

In total, twenty grave markers were found to have been used for the walkway, bearing various names and dates of deceased individuals, largely people who had died in 1974.

Clearly confounded by the slew of headstones, the construction worker initially feared that he had found a long-forgotten graveyard.

However a subsequent investigation by the county constable Kent Layton revealed that the people named on the stones were buried at a graveyard seventy miles away.

When he went to the site, he found that their markers were still there, suggesting that perhaps the stones found at the home were discarded versions that had been previously rejected.

While the resolution of that aspect of the mystery indicates that it was not a case of grave robbing, the case continues to haunt Layton.

"I still want to know who put these here and how they got the stones to start with," the lawman mused to TV station WFAA.

Layton hopes that tracking down the previous owners of the home might answer those questions.

One other question that will likely vex the home's new owners is simply what to do with almost two dozen discarded headstones.

Based on how and where they were found, perhaps they could be repurposed as part of a patio.

Source: WFAA