Memphis Man Stuck with Albino Raccoon

A Memphis man's attempt to thwart an animal that had been digging up his lawn resulted in him inadvertently acquiring a rare but unwanted 'pet.'

After setting some traps in his yard, Calvin Lee was surprised to discover that the culprit behind the chaos was an albino raccoon.

Such creatures are seldom seen in the wild because their lack of coloring leaves the animals exposed to attack by larger predators.

While Lee was likely relieved that his lawn was now free from the menace, he unfortunately ran into another problem altogether: no one will come and take the creature away.

According to him, both the local police department as well as a wildlife control company refused to remove the caged raccoon from Lee's property, leaving him with quite the dilemma on his hands.

"I don't want to put it down, I wouldn't turn it loose," Lee lamented to TV station WREG, "I wanna call someone to come and get it. Maybe there's someone out there who wants it. I don't want it."

Indeed, Lee did not seem too impressed by the unique nature of the creature, declaring that, regardless of its remarkable coloring, "it's just an animal that I want to get rid of."

Having exhausted all of his options and hoping to not have to resort to anything drastic, Lee turned to the TV station in the hopes that someone, anyone, would be interested in taking the albino raccoon off of his hands.

Source: WREG